The Story of Lynx
The story of Lynx
This is the second in a series of cat life stories that led to the founding of RejuveCat. The first in the series is “Sole' - the beginning.”
Lynx was a “cool cat”. Nothing ever rattled him too much.
Lynx was our 4th adoption but unfortunately the 2nd cat of of ours that passed away too soon. He was a typical friendly "lazy" lap cat and just little overweight - never in a hurry to get anywhere. He was a "regular" domestic short hair, but we always thought he was part or mostly Russian Blue. Looking at the pictures, you might agree. His favorite activity was laying on anyone's lap and hanging out with groups of people whenever there was a party at the house. If people were having fun, he wanted to be right in the middle of it, just sitting and observing the action.
Like Sole', he grew to a not-so-ripe age of around 10 or 12 before contracting an illness. The illness made him lose his appetite and he eventually developed a general fluid leakage from the interior of his body which built up under his skin. He became kind-of like a squishy water balloon. Taking him to the vet and draining the fluid made him feel better, but he wasn't being cured. Like with Sole', the vets could not figure out what the exact problem was.
Being mostly grey, we always thought he was partly or mostly Russian Blue.
It was the first time that I tried to take matters into my own hands. There was a new supplement on the market that was all the rage in 2014 and 2015 because it produced dramatic life extension in an experiment with a small number of mice. It was C60 in olive oil. Lynx got some small amounts of it mixed in with a special wet food (Hills Urgent Care A/D), but to no avail. It was a "shot in the dark" with a seriously ill cat and the results were about as expected. It didn't help. To this day, there is still not much solid evidence for therapeutic action of C60 in olive oil and the original experiment has not been reproduced. I was happy to have given it a try, but in the end, I was still disappointed in the inability to diagnose and treat an older cat.
Lynx's health and mobility steadily declined. We never did find out what mysterious aliment had afflicted Lynx before his passing. It was at that point that I became more determined to work toward a better future for our pets. At that time, there was a lot of buzz about life extension and rejuvenation treatments for people and I just knew there must be some applications for cats and other pets. As you will find out in future blog posts the number of possible rejuvenation treatments is expanding dramatically, but applications for cats are still limited.
Have you ever tried a speculative treatment on one of your pets in the hopes of saving them? A special food or diet? Has anyone ever enrolled their pet in a clinical trial? Let us know the story in the comment section below.