What’s Up With Freeze-Dried Pet Food?
Are freeze-dried pet foods all they are cracked-up to be? Find out what the Rejuvecat family thinks.

Nebula - A Profile in Patience
You can help cats in more ways than through better nutrition and medicine. Read about Nebula’s success story.

Food Choices and Lifespan
Do food choices affect the lifespan of your cat? There is a lot to consider when evaluating the nutrition and ingredients within pet food. RejuveCat.

Something That Causes a lot of Pain and Disability in Cats
Nutrition is very important for cat health and longevity, however there is something more important - the amount of food that your cat consumes. RejuveCat.

Liddle Lived a Short Time
Some cats lives are cut short when diagnostic tests cannot reveal the source of mysterious health issues.